Back on the App Store

A major show stopping bug was discovered which caused me to pull the app from the store until it could be fixed. The issue has been resolved and an update will be available soon.

Introducing, Sermon Planner

Sermon Planner provides you with tools to help plan your preaching and teaching schedule.

• Define Blocks to set the schedule of when you preach or teach.

• Input important information like title, scripture references, main idea, etc. for each lesson.

• Keep track of your progress with checklists.

• Quickly input observations and random thoughts with notes.

Quickly See What’s Coming

Sermon Planner iPhone Upcoming

Keep Track of Important Details

Sermon Planner iPhone Lesson

Define Your Schedule As You Need

Sermon Planner iPhone Scheduling Options

Don’t Burn Your Retinas At Night

Sermon Planner iPhone Dark Mode